lauantai 21. huhtikuuta 2012

When you feel like you can't do anything but just let go

Sorry haven't been writing for a while long time. I've been so busy. I don't even know how I've survived all the stress that's going on. Guess I'm a fighter then?

I'm sick and tired heaing how people complain about everything nowadays. In our school, it's a new trend to be "ill" or "depressed". What on earth is so cool about it? They don't even know how it really feels - they just want some attention that they can't get. Atleast, not from me.
   Ofcourse, there's some people who seriously have some issues and all that crap, but c'mon people. They have so many things to be graceful at, so many things to smile to. Do they want to do that? No. And why's that? Because if they would, the attention would fade away. 

I don't have any strenghts to fight anymore, not with my friend. I just feel like our paths weren't meant to be then? I'm so tired and done of arguing. I know it won't end unless I say "Oh, I'm sorry. Of course you were right, I was wrong all the time".  I want to enjoy my life, I don't care how selfish that sounds, but I want to enjoy my life without any kind of drama. I'm not a superwoman, I only can take a certain amount of bullshit. 

"I'll be there for you. Always."
How dumb have I been to actually buy that bullshit?

Enough with the whining now, I know it's not the nicest thing to read. Happy thing is that I got my report back and I'm more than happy with it. I got only two sevens, all the others are 8&9&10's. 
And I'm going to a really good friend's house with my other really good friend to a sleep-over. I'm quite excited about that. I love these two girls to death

I need a boyfriend. just throwing it out there.