sunnuntai 20. toukokuuta 2012

You have to be the change you want to see in your life


That's what's going to happen - an attitude change towards the things I don't like about myself . I don't mean my looks or anything like that, what I mean is, if something would happen, for example, I got a 6 from a test or I have to wait a long time in a line or I have to do something I don't like to do, like taking the trash outside, I'll do it and think positively. What's the point, if you're always whining and being an immature little kid always saying how your life sucks? I'm not going to be one of those. A dramaqueen, a whining little brat or a lazyass. No, I refuse to be one of them. Why should I be ?

An other thing I've been thinking of how utterly boring my life is. I did a blogpost about this a while ago, didn't I ? But anyways - I've decided that this summer would be the best summer of my entire life. How am I going to make it happen? I'm just going to. Girl time (because I'm a huge sucker for girly & cute stuff), sun, beaches, guys... The list is seriously endless!

Yesterday was my 15th birthday. Geez, I can't believe how time flies so fast...  But I had fun, I got some presents and I can't wait to go back to school and see all of my friends again - I miss them quite much. And I have only 12 exams left (we call them b-tests here) and then i won't have them EVER again (see what I did there? Positive thinking!)! I love how there's no drama anymore anywhere. Feels good. And the sun is shining.. the summer is coming slowly, but surely.