sunnuntai 15. tammikuuta 2012

First update...

First post is always the hardest one, no? You should figure out what to talk about, maybe tell something about yourself, why you started blogging in the first place. Well, I am just a normal teenager with a rough past, but I've learned from it and because of that I'm more thankful to everything and everyone in my life. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm in highschool 14 year old girl who loves photographing. It's sort of a way to express myself when there isn't enough words. It's kind of an escape route, if you know what I mean.

I've been depressed - really depressed. But I decided not to give up, I wouldn't let that ruin my life. I'd recover from it. Sometimes, I still have those days when I just don't want to wake up, or I'm too tired to laugh. Or if I do laugh or smile, it's a fake mask I put on. But nowadays, I enjoy my life more and more. Everyday I find something new and exciting, something that will make me feel warm inside. It could be a smile which a stranger gives me, a cute text or message from someone I have feelings to, it might be a good mark from a test or being with friends. Anything positive. 

Being a teenager. That's the hardest part of all. Sometimes it makes you feel like you're ontop of the world, sometimes it makes you want to die or disappear. 

I hope you enjoy my blog, which is basically about my life, feelings and that kind of things. It all starts now from here.

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